As a massage therapist specialized in women’s health I like to inspire you to gain more wisdom about your wellbeing. I do not claim to know everything, but I am your guide along the way. I am there to make sure you feel strong, competent, resilient and healthy. I am here to help you find balance in your life by cherishing your belly!
Your belly deserves attention
Abdominal health and vital organs are essential for a balanced life. In many massage studios your belly will not be included in your full body massage. To me that is such a shame. Your abdomen deserves to have full attention and your womb even more. Over the years we collect many imbalances in our abdomen. We neglect our bellies or even dislike them. My favorite part of the body is the abdomen and particularly the womb space. With daily massage and love for your gorgeous tummy your trust in yourself will grow. Tension will diminish, digestion will improve and your cycle will become more balanced.
Let’s talk about the liver
Let’s pick out one organ that is essential for our wellbeing. The liver for instance. The liver is our biggest organ and it has a lot to endure. Both food, thoughts and stress cause the liver to go out of balance. Anxiety, anger, depression and lethargy often find their cause in a toxic or stressed out liver. By taking better care of our liver we can change the imbalance. Firstly, you can start by adjusting your eating habits by eating clean food and making sure your meals aren’t too large. Also, try to incorporate movement on a daily basis. Start moving your body by adding walks to your day or do yoga twists to squeeze your liver. In addition to that, make sure you alternate activity with relaxation to keep your stress levels low.
Center of your being
Abdominal care with specific massage for the internal organs is a treat and necessity. Women report they never felt as relaxed as during an abdominal massage. It is both intimate and deeply nourishing. The sensitive belly may have never been touched in this manner before. And once you have overcome your hesitation to reveal the center of your body and being, you will be struck by the power that is released!
Abdominal massage is an invitation to your body to heal on a very deep level. Emotions that may have been stuck for years are requested to come to the surface. You are nourished in a safe space where you are always in charge of how much is released. It is my responsibility that you never cross your boundaries and I will respect you and you belly to the max! Nevertheless, it is with small steps in trust you will gain the most confidence. So I invite you to stay with a certain emotion for a while before you are ready for a deeper layer of healing. This can either happen in the same session or it takes more time over several sessions. Always remember, you are in charge!
Fotografie: Emma Brasser